Jan 19, 2009

Greek for Beginners...

For anyone interested in learning New Testament (Koine) Greek, there is a great site called Little Greek. It is interactive with helpful flashcard-like games. I would imagine if you spent about 20 minutes a day working thru the lessons as well as reading thru John and building your vocab, it wouldn't take long to get a basic working knowledge. Probably not deep enough to do real translation work, but for the educated layman a great place to start. Additionally, I would also recommend Mounce's Greek for the Rest of Us (link will take you to his website with a bunch of free audio). While you won't come away understanding the intricacies of Greek grammar, you will definitely understand English translations better and how to read your Bible utilizing Greek exegetical tools. This is extremely helpful if you lead a Sunday school or Bible study in your local parish.

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