Jan 15, 2009

Willimon on Preaching: Highly Recommended

It may sound sacreligious of a Lutheran promoting the work of a Methodist bishop, but when it comes to homiletics, Will Willimon is one of the best. Yes, he's been around for decades and written numerous books on preaching, liturgy, and pastoral care, and frankly, most of it I must admit is excellent, particularly his book: Peculiar Speech (Preaching to the Baptized), which I'm reading now.

But the purpose of this post is to point you to two lectures he gave: (1) The Power of Preaching and (2) The Person of the Preacher. He is sometimes crass and quite funny, but there is a raw honesty that comes from his experience of having to deal with difficult biblical texts and the aftermath of preaching those hard-to-hear texts by parishioners who've been offended by Jesus. Good stuff! I couldn't figure out how to link to the iTunes podcast, so here is a link that will take you to the real link, if you have iTunes: Willimon's Podcast

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